Monday, October 2, 2017

My Life Purpose

I had a fulfilling weekend whereby I spent most of my time watching TedEx talks. They are amazing and I am feeling inspired by the speakers.  Despite what I've just said, I also had a minor melt down yesterday and I am keen to blame my hormones for the meltdown. However, after watching several TedEx talks, I arrive to a conclusion that I basically feel rather loss after my boyfriend decides to went back to KK because I lost my purpose.

It has always been my purpose to help him grow and survive here. Helping him in anywhere I can, contributing whenever I can, gave me purpose. That makes me happy. Since he decided to leave, I felt that I am serving no other purpose in my life. Apart from my family and my work which has always been there.

I clearly remembered how happy I was when he got accepted to the aviation program. The advice I gave and everything I contributed lead him on his career path in aviation. I was part of his journey, his struggles. I didn't know that by being with him on that journey, gave me happiness. I didnt know by helping him, it made me happy and gave me purpose.

Now that I lost that purpose and understand what it does in my life, gave me a different idea. I should widen my purpose. I am only giving to him just 1 person. What if I get to give to more than 1 person? What if I can inspire and guide more than 1 person.

Following from this, I intend to joint the gamuda toastmasters. I am very keen to get more serious in public speaking to see whether this could lead me to another career perhaps as I've been told many times that I have this gift in persuasive speech.

May God guide me and grant me ease.

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