Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Hari ni aku kehilangan seorang kawan baik. She left me, her family, her students and her cats for good.

I can't remember how we became so close. We've known each other since we were in Form 4 however, I hangout with a group of geeks and she being a rebel that she was, hangout with another group of friends. She was loud, she speaks her mind and she is so garang. She has all the necessary traits of a good teacher.

We become close when one of our mutual friend came back from Japan and has no one to hangout with. Since we were all in Kampar at that time, we spent a lot of free time together. We went for karoke, lepaking at the mamak and best of all we did go for a picnic at Taman DR - English style.

I am grieving because she went so suddenly. She visited me when I was admitted at KPJ Damansara. She visited me when I was discharged and was resting at home. She gave a gift that I will treasure all my life. Best of all, she gave me the greatest title any friend could ask for, I was her "kawan baik". Apart from that she gave me a book.

That title "kawan baik" was official bestowed upon me yesterday. After receiving a text msg sent from her sister thru her phone asking me to visit her at the hospital right away as her condition was deteriorating, I rushed to Ipoh. I was greeted by her eldest sister and I hugged her  when she started to cry. I then hugged her young colleague as she was sobbing uncontrollably . I was their rock and I could hear her parents telling everyone that I was her best friend. After visiting her for the last time, I find a quiet corner and I pray then tears starts to overflow. Slowly I decided to let her go. God loves her more and all this is qada' amd qadar.

I could hardly remember how many times I met her family members. Very few occasion as they could hardly recognize me. But when I told them that I am Fairy - Farina, the immediately know who I was because she likes to tell her families all about me. I was her "lesen". She can only extend her curfew only if she was hanging out with me.

Since my sky decided to rain since Isyak, I have to end this post with these : Thank you God for lending her to me. I do not have that many friends, but I am glad you send me an angel. Please save her a space in heaven so that she can play with her cats.

p/s:  She is my reminder of how short life can be and how important it is to always be grateful.

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