Thursday, January 26, 2023

Why are women so petty (sometimes)?

I just realised (literally just realised it a few minutes ago) that I have this tendency to be petty. I am not sure when it started. I hope it was not a built-in thing coz I really dislike to be equate with such cliche trait for a women.  

I hate myself for being petty. Even whilst I was saying (typing) those petty sentences to my husband, I spite myself for doing it. Somehow, I have little control over my action. I don't believe in such thing (having no control over your own action). It sounded like I am disclaiming responsibility towards my own action. I wish I could just disclaim it and blame it on my hormone or the devil, in the end, there is only me, myself and I.

My poor husband was the victim of my ongoing pettiness. It started yesterday. He didn't invite me to go to the park. I guess, I feel abandoned. I always ask him to do everything with me but this one time he decided not to take me with him. He doesn't think that he is doing anything wrong so he doesn't feel the need to apologize to me. The thing is this. I like to think that I am rational and most of the time logical but somehow, his excuses sounded so selfish to me. I know he has no intention of hurting my feeling, yet I'm still hurt. 

I should just let it go. Holding on to this petty stupid issue would only hurt me. I'm hurt and he should know that. But he did not apologize. I guess that's why I'm now bitter and spiteful. 

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