Friday, August 28, 2020


FRIDAY!!!!! - Virginia Primary School

It has been a good week alhamdulillah. I feel like I am doing more at home than I should but I keep doing it coz I know I could and I want all my deeds to be counted in the Hereafter.

I just finished watching a Korean TV Shows "Hye Bye Mama". The story line is pretty straight forward and it serves as a reminder for me that life is indeed very short. You never know when your life would end. You never know if today would be the last day that you talk to the person you love. You never knew if you would get to do all the things that you planned to do.

With that, I feel like it is very important to cherish each any every moment you have with the person you love. Since life is so short, it is important to be happy and make those around us happy to have us in their life. Lastly, this world we now have is a place to collect all your shares for the life in the Hereafter. So, I want to do as much good as I can so that it all be counted for in the Hereafter.

I wonder what kind of mother would I be? I can be very strict with the boys sometimes as I feel like they just don't listen to me sometimes. Maybe that feeling originates from the fact that I am not their real mom. I don't know.

I have yet to see my self as a mother to a baby. Breastfeeding, diaper changing, all of that seems so foreign to me. If God allows me to experience all that, I would be so grateful for the opportunity. 

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