Tuesday, June 26, 2018

What is a Digital Nomad?

I was browsing through youtube last week and came across a youtube channel of 2 girls who became a digital nomad after a few months of travelling the world. The term "digital nomad" was not foreign to me but I have not come across anyone who are just starting to be a digital nomad and willing to share their struggles and journey with the world. Most of social media influencer just share the good life, their mesmerizing stories about their travel. to me, Beer For Breakfast (that is the name of their channel) is very honest and interesting. another thing that I find interesting is that, they are currently living in malaysia. You can check out their channel by clicking here!

It takes a lot of guts to uproot your stable life, quit your 9 to 5 job and just move to another country but there are many who have done just that. Many of those decided to make Malaysia as their base which is not surprising as our currency is cheap and the country is a developed country with friendly people, beautiful islands, unique cultures and delicious food plus high speed internet everywhere.

I told a friend of mine about digital nomad just to get her take on it and she shares my view. We would not choose to do what Justina and Micha (the girls from Beer For Breakfast) are doing. Perhaps we have been conditioned/program to the extent that we need stability and hard work doing 9 to 5 job could ensure that and the millennial are all about freedom to do whatever whenever wherever. They are a gutsy generations with so much potential if they could just focus their mind long enough on a task.

I have the privilege of working with millennial here in this company. By definition, I am also a millennial/Gen Y just an older version (maybe). You could find out what generations you belong to here. I read many stories where millennial  who joined a huge corporate sector right after graduation and quit in less than 5 years. There are many factors but my take on this issue is a double edge sword. Most corporate company in Malaysia is being lead by a group of senior managers (baby boomer of gen X) who are used to certain ways of things. Millennial are those who explore new ways of doings things and sometimes these 2 generation have difficulties in understanding each other. This different approaches may (sometime) create conflict and friction.

I really think that different generations could really learn from each other. Each generations has their own strength and weaknesses. Older generations need to realize that technology is changing every single day hence they need to change too for the sake of progress.

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