Friday, January 15, 2021


 Here we are. A new year hoping for a better one than 2020.

As for me, 2020 was just perfect. I get to do what I set up to do and more minus the lockdown and the virus bit.

This year I wish to accomplish a few things:

1. Get into healthier eating habits by incorporating more veg and fruits into our diet

2. save more money since international travel is a no go (yet), perhaps we get to save more for a good international holiday once the ban is lifted.

3. read more. try and finish at least 2 books this year

4. be grateful of every single day God gives. everything is temporary. If we remember that, we will cherish what we have even more. Our troubles and problems are all temporary. Our life is temporary so let's not waste time doing something that we don't like.

Work is starting to pick up again. I am grateful that i still have a job with steady salary even though there were no bonus or increment, which is totally understandable since business is very very bad for my company last year.

So Malaysia is on our 2nd total lockdown. Generally everyone is less panic now. They already know what to expect so no more panic buying. Just panic gathering at the eateries. Yesterday, more than 3000 new positive cases were recorded. The numbers seems so scary but they are all numbers to people who are not the frontliners.

Anyway, I have not been productive like at all. According to Eddy, this lockdown will last awhile. I cannot continue this habit. I need to come up with something constructive to spend my time on. If it could generate income, it would be awesome.


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