Thursday, November 2, 2023

Bangsa Yang Melampui Batas

Dunia menonton kekejaman Ishrael melalui media masa dan media sosial sejak 7 October yang lalu. Kekejaman Izrel bukan baru. Semenjak tertubuhnya negara !sr@el, merekat telah terus menerus melampaui batas.

Kali ini, tindakan kejam mereka adalah atas alasan untuk membalas dendam keatas serangan mengejut yang dilakukan oleh H@m@s Lebih 1700 warga Isrel terbunuh dan beberapa ratus lagi tercedera dan ada juga yang telah diculik,

Meanwhile, about 10,000 Palestinians are killed or lost under the rubbles. The aggressor/occupier promised to keep the civilians safe but at the same time, they b0mb the hospitals and UN Schools. Its crazy to think that I am living in a world where basic human rights are not available to people in Palestine for reason which they are not blameworthy.

Its senseless. 

I find it hard to make plans anymore. I just grateful that I get to sleep in my own bed, go to work, have clean water. These are all privileges that the Palestinians does have. Why??


I hope and can do more for the cause. I feel like I am not doing enough. I can only pray so that Palestine will be free again. Soon. InsyaAllah 

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