Friday, December 9, 2022


I want to focus on these few things starting today onwards. May Allah ease

1. Worry less (redha) - trust Allah's plan as He is the best planner

I'm hoping to become a calmer and more hopeful and positive person. Probably I'll be a happier person as well who complaint less and accept everything as it is. Trusting Allah that it is Him that intended everything to happen. 

Faith is Trusting God when you don't even understand His plan

2. Be humble (No pride)

Whatever i have today, is from Allah. I need to remember that. I have nothing if not for Allah. My imaan in my heart is from Allah, my faith, my ability to remember Allah and keep worship Allah is because Allah allows me. Be humble always as Allah can easily take all of it from me. 

Do everything to please Allah. Be mindful of Allah. Make Allah our main consideration in each decision, action and plan

None shall enter Paradise who has in his heart a mustard seed of pride

3. Only love things that Allah also loves and hate those that Allah hates

4. I need to increase doing the ibadah that I love. Quran recitation as well as voluntary solah 

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