Thursday, June 4, 2020

Recipes I love

Since I was stuck at home with my husband and 2 kids for more than months, I got the chance to try so many recipes. Cooking for people who loves to eat is such a blessing. I thought of writing down all the recipes I love so that it is easier for me to refer but who writes offline anymore? I dont really measure my ingredients most of the time. So all the measurements written are just guidance

Here goes:

1. Bengkang Mak

2 cawan tepung gandum 1 cawan gula pasir 1 cawan air
pewarna hijau
perisa pandan 3 cawan santan 2 biji telur 1/2 sudu kecil garam 
minyak masak

2. Kueh Ketayap

1 1/2 cawan Santan
1 cawan tepung gandum
2 biji telur
minyak masak

Cairkan gula merah dengan air dalam kuali. capur gula kasar and daun pandan. Bila dah cair masukkan kelapa. Bila almost kering, masukkan tepung gandum 1 sudu

Kueh bom inti kelapa - macam mochi actually

2 cawan tepung pulut
1/2 cawan tepung gandum
air suam

mix everything together. uli. isi inti kelapa. then goreng

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