Tuesday, February 16, 2016


I love making plans. But most plans that realized are my unplanned plans. Still.. I love making plans.

First plan that I am hatching today is my 6 packs leaner meaner me.

1. I have to diet.

This is the toughest one. Diet requires discipline as well as money. Healthy food cause money and a lot of prep time. It is easier for me to stop by a fast food joint and grab a bite. Or snacking on my favourite chips. I have to let go of my chips and instant coffee drinks. I have to let go soft drinks. and sugary snacks like donuts and cheesecakes. So I am reviving my paleo diet. No process food. No sugar. No flour. I think its gonna be tough. Paleo day 1 starts tomorrow.Need to keep a journal as well so that everything moves according to plan.

2. Gym - 1 hour - 3 times a week

Gym will starts today. At least 30 mins each session. But since I want a 6 packs, so I will spent 20 mins cardio, 10 mins stretching and 30 mins abs exercise.

3. To drink and drink and drink lots of water everyday

Another tough one for me coz I dislike water. But I'm gonna do it anyway.

May I remain steadfast and achieve my desired goal.

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