Tuesday, December 3, 2019


I have a handful of drafts. I've been typing out the titles of the posts and end up not writing or not finishing the posts. Feeling so uninspired.

 The last 2 weeks had been rough. I ended up filling so sick for the past 3 days. My sinus is all blocked and probably infected. I have been using sterimar to normalize my sinus irrigation, drinking lots of water and taking some meds to clear up the flu-like symptoms.

Luckily, work-wise, things have been slowing down a bit. I have time to make plans for honeymoon and holidays. the not so nice part is that my house is still stuck. it is really troublesome having something like that just stuck not moving despite all the follow up. ugh...

I need something positive to think about but I couldnt find any for the time being.

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