Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Manifestation (4)

 Alhamdulillahhirabbila'lamin (all praises to the Almighty Allah, the creator of the universe)

The last manifestation was back in January 2023 (read here). I manifested 3 out of 5 and the other 2 is in progress insyaAllah.

  1. A trip abroad with the kids. We took the kids to Thailand early this year. We went to Hatyai and Koh Lipe
  2. Increased sedeqah jariah. Been donating to all the charities in support of Palestinians' causes.
  3. Travel wish Europe, UK, Uzbek - We went to Uzbek last year in June and insyaAllah, we will travel to UK this year on Christmas.
  4. I still struggle with Tahajjud but alhamdulillah, the Ramadhan sahur schedule is still intact. I managed to wake up earlier for a short Tahajjud before Fajr with my husband
  5. With regards to retirement savings, it is still in progress. I am automating my monthly savings but I wish to save more this year. 
That's the update from my last manifestation list. Its the end of the business day and I am still in the office thinking about what do I want to achieve other than the 2 mentioned above.

1. I want to go to Hajj as soon as I am able. The priority is to  deposit more money into my Tabung Haji Savings. Increase cash savings to 100K by 2025.

2. Because I already made plan for a 16 days trip to UK, it doesn't feel right to plan for another one before letting the first one completed successfully first. Just a self created stumbling block. But I did discuss a few other destinations with my husband. Switzerland is high on the list as well as the Maldives and other parts of Indonesia.

3. I want to be a qualified Company Secretary (CS). It is another branch within my current department. 

4. Bowl my first 200. I've been training but I have not been improving much. I need to train more.

5. Be a kinder and more loving person

I am struggling to list down the above today. I take it as a good thing. Nothing much matters these days. There are civil unrest, wars and famine everywhere. If only I can manifest freedom for Palestine and world peace. Might as well put it on the list.

6. Free Palestine and world peace!

Gratitude, Visualize. Manifest!

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