Tuesday, January 3, 2023


 Its the 3rd of January 2023 (Tuesday). First day of working for this year. 

Another year. Hopefully a much peaceful and happier year now that everything is in its place. I don't have many resolution plans. I feel like I've accumulated too many bad habits that I need to let go off this year.

Since I intend to travel more this year, I need to save more money meaning spend less. I need to track my spending so I know where my money went and just dump a chunk of my salary into my saving. Automate everything so that I don't have to think about it. I'm setting up everything now so that I don't have to worry or even think about it later. This year I'm trying Wahed Invest. Another robo investor. The basic idea behind investing is to do it regularly so that the money you invested is compounded.

The narrative that has been circulating for the past months or so is that the world will enter a terrible financial crisis and therefore everyone should be prepared for it. I am not an expert in economic but I do know that savings regularly is simply a good habits to have. Let's just do that this year and be mindful of our spending. 


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