Thursday, March 30, 2017

30 Days Weight Loss Challenge - Day 1

I am planning for a beach holiday sometime in May so i need to look good in a swim suit therefore lets start with a good clean diet. So today is Day 1. I already made a mistake when I consumed a cup of coffee with condensed milk. I need to burn it off in the gym today. So yeah, I am going to the gym.

I'm gonna try to drink lots of water today and have a light lunch as well as light dinner. We'll see how it progress.

Summary of my 30 days weight loss plan.

1. hit the gym at least 5 times per week
2. low carbs, portion control, clean eating 
3. dont skip breakfast
4. be consistent and persevere!

breakfast ideas

1. egg, toast, coffee
2. oats, yogurt, coffee

dinner/lunch ideas
1. egg, cheese, tomato, lettuce sandwich
2. grill chicken salad
3. potato salad
4. grill chicken sandwich
5. just veggies
6. chicken soup

Need to work on these ideas to avoid getting bored eating the same thing.

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