Thursday, August 19, 2021

Manifestation (1)

I love making gratitude list but rarely I progress on making a manifestation post. I've been slowly hinting manifestation way of thinking with Eddy. But maybe writing it down would make it clearer. Let's give this a go since I am in such a positive mood today. 


Jannah for my whole family is always high on the list, it is in my daily prayer. May Allah grant us all the highest Jannah.


It would be a blessing to be invited to the holy lands once again. This time with Eddy and perhaps the kids. We have so much to thank Allah for


Being with the whole family, Aqeel included, taking a trip just spending quality time with my parents and sisters would be epic. Apart from my wedding, they have not have the chance to be together.


Abundance of opportunity for me and Eddy. Earning honest living to raise our children and have a lot of cushion money for a comfortable retirement. Having side hustle, investment, passive income that keep churning money into our accounts.

World tour

Sight seeing, admiring Allah's creation. Starting in England and then the rest of Europe. For some reason, I'm just drawn to England. After the Holy lands, the English soils are simply magical to me. Scotland, New Zealand and Switzerland is high on the list as well. 


If only it is possible to retire in England. A small cottage in a small village. That would be idle. But a small cottage in a village is Malaysia would be just as beautiful. I clearly have not given retirement much thought as I can hardly decide where I want to retire.

Gratitude List August (3)

 The last post was somehow posted today. Anyway, today is the 10th of Muharram. We are all fasting. Alhamdulillah for that. We had my childhood suhoor today. Rice with fried egg and fried anchovies.

This week has been such a blessing. My parents were here for their 2nd dose. We get to spend a lot of quality time. Catching up and just be together under the same roof. Those are blessings that we took for granted before the pandemic came about. I pray that we would remember to cherish every single meeting, every single phone calls, every holidays, every makan session, every memories we shared together.

We made plans to have a family get together. A trip of some sort once cross borders are allowed. We hope to carry out our plans end of this year. 2021 has been odd and we are almost at the end of it. Despite all that, there are a lot to be grateful for. Many lost their lives this year yet all of my family are doing well. We still get to see each other. We still get to make plans. Alhamdulillah for these blessings. 

My husband received wonderful news as well. The case that his ex wife tries to pin on him did not stick. Alhamdulillah. Nowadays I pray for Allah to give both of them the closures that they needed. I hope that they find it in their hearts to forgive each other and to be kind to one another for the sake of their children. If it is tough on Eddy, I am sure it is tougher on the kids. May Allah protect them and give all of them the solution to this matter. May Allah make it easy for them.

I am thinking of making salmon pasta for ifthar, with veggies on the side. Alhamdullilah for this wonderful week.

Gratitude List August (2)

Alhamdulillah. Today is the 2nd day of Muharram. The month of Allah. Yesterday was a public holiday which we spent doing several chores as well as taking an hour walk up a hill nearby our house. It was such a good walk. I get to spend time with my husband simply chatting away. 

Just a few days ago, we received a heartbreaking news of a local celebrity passing away due to Covid 19. The number of death due to Covid 19 has been on all time high but this death was especially amazing because the deceased was pregnant and the doctors manage to save the child. Amazingly, upon the news of her death broke, many videos and other evidence emerge to proof that the Allahyarhamah was an amazing Muslimah, a loyal wife and simply a wonderful person. Everyone was so envious of her death. I pray to be granted a similar or even better circumstances for my own death. Her death serves as a beautiful reminder to all of us. It reminds me of the duá i made when I was in Mecca. I asked Allah for a husband who will take me to Jannah. I aim to be a wife who is loved by my husband, a husband who will keep reminding me of the greatness of Allah. I pray that Allah will invite both of us to visit their Holy lands together. Ameen. Her death also remind us that death does not wait for anything or anyone. Allahyarhamah left behind small children and a husband who loves her so much. Death does not wait for you to grow old, or your children to grow older. When your time comes, you will go. Her death remind me to be a person who people will remember for the goodness inside me, the calmness i bring to them, the assist I give when they are in need. 

A lot of things happened the past few days. I am just grateful that Allah is making it so easy for us in all regards. Alhamdulillah, my works keeps me busy and sane during this pandemic period. I have salary which I get to use part of it for zakat and charity. May Allah increases our rezq so that we get to spend more of it to do charity. I pray that Allah protect us from rezq that is haram for us.

Now I am sitting in front of my tv, with laptop on my lap, typing away all the things I am grateful for. I am waiting for e-mails to come in, meetings to attend and reading a few documents that will be discussed during today's meeting. I long for holidays abroad, visiting new places, learning its history and trying new things. I pray that we will get to share those experience with our children. Right now, I simply filled my mind with youtube videos of people visiting places around their own country. Before the pandemic, the world was borderless. We get to travel freely. Nowadays, borders are close for foreigners/tourists. The only way to visit the other countries now is to watch them on youtube. 

I pray that this pandemic ends soon and we will all learn something out of it.


Monday, August 9, 2021

Gratitude List August (1)

Its Monday again. Alhamdulillah. I had a restful and somewhat productive weekend. A good balance between doing a lot of things and nothing. Complete bliss.

Here I am counting my blessing and being grateful for everything that I have and going to have in my life. I am so happy to see a bright blue sky today. Sitting and typing this on my laptop waiting for a virtual meeting in an hour time. I am grateful that I am still employed. My work keeps me busy on the weekdays. My company is thriving. Always looking for business opportunities. That would hopefully mean that we would get some bonus and a raise!

I woke up early and manage to make buttermilk pancake with mixed berries compote for breakfast. The pancakes are fluffier coz I am using buttermilk and the compote are just nice.

I am happy and grateful to see that the crypto market is recovering and the prices keep rising. I love the dips too as I get to buy more. That would hopefully be our money for a nice vacation in the Maldives, South Korea, Australia or Europe. My savings are growing as well. Hopefully I could save even more in the future. It would be amazing to see beautiful Jeju. Or basking under the sun, by the beautiful turquoise water where you get to see beautiful fish and corals and white sands. Or having fun with the kids looking at unique wildlife in Australia. Or just walking around old cities, eating cheese, chocolate, waffles and gelatos all around Europe. 

I am happy now that the courts are reopening again and taking on new cases. We pray that Allah will assist us and grant is ease. We are sure in our hearts that God will protect us and grant us the best outcome. If Allah is willing, we will all be together again.

I am happy for my parents especially my mother who always prays for me. With her prayers I am protected against harm. All my success and rezq is from Allah but definitely because of her prayers for me. I can feel her love as I am living this blessed life. Everything that I am today is because of her. I pray that she will be granted Jannah and happiness in this life and the next. I pray that both my parents are healthy and live long life so that we get to travel the world together again. 

I am happy to be able to wake up early today beside the man I love. Being able to kiss him every morning before he goes to work and telling him I love him. I love that he kisses my lips and my forehead too. He loves me just the way I am and I could not ask for more. Allah has been kind to me. I hope to be the best wife so that I could enter Jannah from any door that I wish for. InsyaAllah, we will get to visit the Holy lands and make our pilgrimage soon. Once the borders are reopen. To be able to pray in front of the Kaabah once more. To be close to our prophet Muhammad SAW. To drink the fresh water of Zamzam. To feel so close to Allah that He hears every single words in our hearts. To feel the miracles of immediately getting whatever you wish for. To be grateful to be born as a Muslim with imaan in our hearts.

Thank you Allah for this beautiful life

Alhamdulillah for every blessings that I received today and continue to receive every single day.